Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Greenville REC College Tour Series

As part of the Greenville REC, Commission of Higher Education “College Access” initiative, the Greenville REC has partnered with the Greenville Housing Authority, the Phi Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., SC Works Greenville (JAG at Carolina High School Academy) and the American Health Education Consortium (AHEC) to take 45 middle school and high school students on college tours of the College of Charleston and Charleston Southern University.

On Monday, July 23, 2012, the Greenville REC held a “Getting into College” parents orientation session. At the session, parents and students were provided with information and strategies to successfully navigate the college admissions and financial aid process. Additionally, the participants were provided with information on college entrance test (SAT, ACT), scholarships and the types of colleges and universities.

Parent, Student Orientation

This is the second set of college tours that have been provided to students within the past six months. A group of students and out-of-school youth participated in college tours at Benedict College and Claflin University in the spring.

Parent, Student Orientation