Friday, February 26, 2010

Personal Pathways to Partner with Upstate Alliance

The Greenville Regional Education Center and the Upstate Alliance will collaborate on initiatives, projects and activities that are beneficial to both organizations. Formed in 2000, the Upstate South Carolina Alliance is a public/private regional economic development organization designed to market the dynamic 10-county Upstate region to the world. The 10 counties of the Alliance represent the commerce-rich northwestern corner of South Carolina.

The Upstate SC Alliance's vision is to "Position and market the Upstate SC region to successfully compete for business investment globally." The Alliance's goal is to spearhead an aggressive, innovative and comprehensive global marketing strategy to attract new investment to the Upstate region. By creating a powerful brand and image for the region, increased opportunities will ultimately lead to greater investment, enhancing the prosperity and quality of life for the entire Upstate. To learn more visit their website at

Friday, February 19, 2010

Personal Pathways to Partner with Clemson University Rutland Institute for Ethics

The Greenville Regional Education Center and the Clemson University Rutland Institute for Ethics will collaborate on initiatives, projects and activities that are beneficial to both organizations. The Rutland Institute for Ethics serves the Clemson University campus and the community. Campus activities focus on three groups: students, faculty and staff while community programs are designed to reach as much of the community as possible, with special attention directed to the business, education and professional sectors. To learn more visit their website at

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 27th College Goal Sunday

The Greenville Regional Education Center in collaboration with the S.C. Commission on Higher Education and Greenville Technical College present College Goal Sunday. This event was created to offer students and their families free help completing the FAFSA. Financial aid experts will be available for assistance. College Goal Sunday will be held on the campus of Greenville Technical College on Saturday, February 27, 2010 from 10:00am to 1:00pm. For more information on the FAFSA assistance sessions go to