Wednesday, April 2, 2014

“Aligning Education and Workforce for 21st Century Jobs by Increasing the Pipeline of Human Capital”

GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, March 10, 2014 The Greenville Regional Education Center, SC Works Greenville and TransformSC convened Greenville County leaders in business, education, and the community to discuss the development of a collaborative system that will prepare our students to compete for jobs in a competitive global economy in the 21st century.

The goal of the Workforce and Education Summit was to develop strategic plans to guide students and adults into highly technical positions with the manufacturing sector of our community. Our vision is to align education and workforce for 21st century jobs by increasing the pipeline of human capital.
Over 100 key stake holders from the local area, the region and from across the State attended the summit.
Great job with the Workforce and Education Summit 2014.  I thought the information was very good and helpful.  Bruce Forbes, SHARE

The summit was very informative.  I came wanting to gain ideas, info and strategies to improve what we can do with our students/young people to ensure success, and I did. The opportunity to network during breakfast was great.  I'm glad I was able to attend. Katrina, Career Development Facilitator, Legacy Charter High School